four legged中文什么意思

发音:   用"four legged"造句
  • four:    n. 1.四人小组;(套在车上的)四 ...
  • legged:    adj. 1.〔用作构词成分〕: 有 ...
  • four-legged:    有四根桅樯的
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  1. And as for betty , i ' m sending her a surprise visit from some four legged friends of mine
  2. Users of walking aids e . g . artificial leg , crutches , alipers , four legged walking aids
  3. Users of walking aids ( e . g . artificial leg , crutches , alipers , four legged walking aids )
  4. Well , allow me to give you a few dog naming categories that will hopefully help you to come up with some really novel names for your four legged friend
  5. We discussed the principle of 3d - svm and four legged circuit topology detailedly , attained the related control scheme . with the example of 15kva power system ' s inverter , the principle and derivation of 3d - svm , as well as the verification of simulation result was carried out . at last , we programmed on the digital congtrol platform and processed the light load experiment
    本文详细介绍了3d - svm控制和四桥臂电路拓扑的工作原理并得到相应的控制方法,对该方法以15kva逆变器电源为应用实例进行了分析和仿真,并在dsp数字平台上编程实现,进行了轻载实验验证。


  1. four leaf clover 什么意思
  2. four leaved rose curve 什么意思
  3. four leaves clover 什么意思
  4. four leg sling 什么意思
  5. four leg tap 什么意思
  6. four legged gravity escapement 什么意思
  7. four legs intersection 什么意思
  8. four letter 什么意思
  9. four letter extended acronym 什么意思
  10. four letter word 什么意思


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